
open movie: Elephants Dream

21 Dec 2006

Last night I was at the local cinema for the last show of the Dutch Touch movie. Prior to the main movie a part of the short animated movie Elephants Dream was shown. The graphics where quite stunning and I was amazed when the final credits rolled over the bigscreen. Elephants Dream is an 'open movie', created with Open Source graphics software. The main motivation for the creation of this movie is to show the power of OSS tools like Blender.

"Elephants Dream is the worlds first open movie, made entirely with open source graphics software such as Blender, and with all production files freely available to use however you please, under a Creative Commons license."

From the credits:
Special Thanks to Open Source Projects: Gimp, Twisted, Python, , Ubuntu Linux, OpenEXR, KDE, Verse, GNOME, CinePaint, DrQueue, Inkscape and Subversion.
We used a lot of open source software throughout the project, but these were the open source projects that helped us most, either through their applications, source code sharing, or advice.

It's a open movie, sure worth watching and it's freely available for download from: http://orange.blender.org/download ... the funny thing about it: it's open, so all production files from the movie and other open content are also available.

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